Ministre van Gennip en visite de travail chez De Hoop Terneuzen
18 octobre 2022The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, Karien van Gennip, was on a work visit at De Hoop Terneuzen on October 10, 2022. She made this visit to observe the collaboration between the business sector and the regional mobility team in practice and to inform herself about the labor market issues in Zeeland, particularly in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Special attention was given to De Hoop's internal Mobility Team.
In January 2022, Groep De Hoop entered into a collaboration with the Zeeuws Mobiliteitsteam (Zeeland Mobility Team) to offer job seekers who are distanced from the labor market an opportunity. Groep De Hoop has vacancies for drivers and offers job guarantees upon completion of the training. The Zeeuws Mobiliteitsteam provides candidates and funds the training to become a truck driver with License C and Code95. This way, people from various target groups find employment. The backgrounds of the drivers are very diverse. They can be job seekers in unemployment benefits, refugees with a residence permit, or recipients of WIA or Wajong benefits. But also job seekers through a reintegration trajectory. Minister van Gennip mentioned that it is highly inspiring how Groep De Hoop fills driver vacancies and offers job seekers a chance. During the work visit, discussions with the minister included Ferdinand, one of the drivers within Groep De Hoop who has successfully completed the training.
"My situation is quite unique," says Ferdinand. "After a long period of disability, February 2020, at the age of 57, was a turning point for me. That month I underwent surgery, and in the following months, the medical issues that kept me out of the work process gradually disappeared. I felt better and fitter every day after this operation. By mid-June 2020, I informed the UWV in collaboration with the Zeeuws Mobiliteitsteam about my progress and indicated that I wanted to return to work. In consultation with the UWV and HR department of De Hoop, an appropriate position was internally sought."
To provide lateral entry drivers with a warm welcome and an optimal start, a mobility team has been formed within De Hoop focused on coaching and guiding the drivers. "In September, I was trained on the bulk truck. The training process was extremely solid. I was trained in a thorough manner by three very experienced drivers and have been on the road independently for two weeks. I see my direct colleagues as a point of reference and can fall back on them when needed," says Ferdinand. "I am more than satisfied with the collaboration between the Zeeuws Mobiliteitsteam and De Hoop. I receive a lot of support, cooperation, and trust from both parties. This made it possible for me to start a new career at the age of 59; you are never too old to start again."