De Hoop Terneuzen’s 2019 CO2 emissions

6 March 2020

How much gas do we need to heat our buildings, how much fuel do our lorries use and how much electricity do we consume each year? We ask these questions every year, to find out what ecological footprint our company leaves behind. De Hoop Group has expressed the ambition to reduce its CO₂ emissions by 20% in the period 2010-2020.

De Hoop Terneuzen has been registering the CO₂ emissions of all of its activities since 2010. The 2019 statistics are more or less comparable to those of 2018. In the Readymix sector in particular, less CO₂ was produced as compared to 2018. This is, in part, because of the stricter requirements regarding the environment, which have a direct influence on the company’s activities, including production. The primary reasons why building projects are put on hold are the PFAS issue and nitrogen emissions.

Look at the infographic with insights into De Hoop Terneuzen’s CO₂ emissions.